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Chlorine gas under vacuum

Discover our range of products for chlorine gas under vacuum, ranging from PVC collecting and distribution lines, to precise vacuum changeover units, flow meters and chlorine gas regulation valves. Each product is designed to meet your requirements for the handling and control of gases in a vacuum environment. Be inspired by our high-performance components, which have been specially designed to meet the demanding needs of your chlorinators.

Find the ideal solution in the area of chlorine gas under vacuum

PVC manifolds and distribution line

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Vacuum changeover unit

To the products

Chlorine gas control valve

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Unser komplettes Chlorgas unter Vakuum-Sortiment

Your contact person
Lutz-Jesco (GB) Ltd.
Do you have questions about dosing pumps, disinfection systems, chlorine dosing systems, system and process technology or measurement and control technology?
Our team of experts will be happy to assist you. Please send us an enquiry or call us directly.
02477 103306
Contact request
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Further informationen about the usage of your personal data can be found here

Your contact person
Lutz-Jesco | Contact
Do you have questions about dosing pumps, disinfection systems, chlorine dosing systems, system and process technology or measurement and control technology?
Our team of experts will be happy to assist you. Please send us an enquiry or call us directly.
+49 5130 5802-0

Contact request

Do you have questions about a product or do you have a project you would like to enquire about?
Fill out the following form as best you can and let us know your requirements. A member of staff will then contact you by e-mail or telephone to discuss everything else.
As a rule, your enquiry will be processed within 48 hours on working days.
Please provide as much information as possible so that we can process your request efficiently. Your data will be processed responsibly and in accordance with data protection regulations.
Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required.

Further informationen about the usage of your personal data can be found here