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Chlorine Evaporator C 6100

Efficient gas production

The evaporator mainly consists of a pipe that is designed as an evaporation coil with a vertical inlet and outlet. The evaporation coil is encased by a steel tank that is filled with water.

Immersion heaters below the evaporation coil close to the tank floor guarantee that the water is evenly heated due to free convection. This means that neither a circulation pump nor a mixer is needed for circulating the water.

The liquid chlorine enters the evaporator from the top and flows through the evaporation coil towards the tank floor in counterflow to the hot water, which is circulating upwards. On its way downwards, the chlorine absorbs the water's heat and evaporates as a result. This design, whereby both fluids are passing each other in opposing directions, ensures that the heat of the water is used effectively and efficiently for evaporating the liquid chlorine.

Features & Benefits

  • Evaporator output of up to 220 kg Cl2/h
  • Evaporation coil design with water as a heating medium
  • Hot water tank and evaporation coil made of seamless pressure tank steel
  • electrical heating of the water using immersion heaters
  • Sensors for monitoring the temperature, pressure and fill level
  • visual indicators for pressure, fill level and temperature
  • cathodic anti-corrosion protection

Product information

Our complete range of chlorine gas evaporators

Chlorine vaporiser C 6100
Efficient gas generation The zC 6100 vaporiser essentially consists of a tube coil with a vertical inlet and outlet. The tube coil is surrounded by a steel tank filled with water. Immersion heaters underneath the pipe coil, near the base of the tank, ensure that the water is heated evenly by free convection. There is no need for circulation pumps or mixers to circulate the water. The liquid chlorine enters the evaporator from above and flows in countercurrent to the warm water circulating upwards through the pipe coil towards the bottom of the tank. On its way down, it absorbs the heat from the water and evaporates. The heat of the water is used effectively and efficiently to vaporise the liquid chlorine by moving the two liquids past each other. Properties & advantages Evaporator capacity up to 220 kg Cl2/h Designed as a tube coil evaporator with water as the heating medium Hot water tank and tube coil made of seamless pressure vessel steel Electrical heating of the water via immersion heaters Sensors for monitoring temperature, pressure and fill level Visual displays for pressure, fill level and temperature Cathodic corrosion protection system
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