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Conditioning of boiler feed water

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Steam boilers are high pressure systems that work day and night under extreme conditions. To ensure their smooth function, the water that fed into them must have an optimum chemical balance to prevent damage to the boiler equipment. The minerals remaining in the vaporised boiler feedwater can corrode the piping system of the boiler system.

Chemicals are used at this point to regulate the water hardness and pH value in a manner similar to the treatment of drinking water. These include ammonia solutions, caustic soda and oxygen bonding agents such as hydrazine and other anti-corrosion protection methods. Dosing pumps controlled by measurement and control technology are used to feed the various liquid chemicals.

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The purpose of the ChlorStop pressure safety shut-off valve is to interrupt the chlorine gas supply or the chlorine gas outlet directly from a chlorine tank immediately after a chlorine alarm or the detection of excess pressure (e.g. by the PLUS safety blow-off valve). ChlorStop is mounted directly on the tank valve. An electromagnet closes the valve within a very short time. This ensures a high level of safety and prevents further chlorine gas leaks. Features & advantages Interruption of the chlorine gas supply directly from a chlorine tank valve Shortest closing time due to electromagnets Direct connection e.g. possible for a chlorine vacuum regulator Suitable for gaseous chlorine Optional control unit for simultaneous closing of up to 12 valves Simple commissioning Simple and space-saving installation Low maintenance effort for chlorine gas in accordance with DIN EN 15363 and 937
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Do you have questions about dosing pumps, disinfection systems, chlorine dosing systems, system and process technology or measurement and control technology?
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+49 5130 5802-0