Another typical field of application for Lutz-Jesco products in addition to their use in the treatment of drinking water is the dosing and measurement required for maintaining water hygiene parameters in public and private swimming pools. The purity of swimming pool water – preventing contamination by eliminating or deactivating germs, bacteria, viruses and other pathogens that are dangerous to humans – is achieved through the correct dosing of disinfectants and other control chemicals. Good filtration with filters in accordance with DIN 19605 from Lutz-Jesco also contributes to a resource-saving and efficient treatment result with crystal-clear and hygienically perfect water.
Our dosing devices have a long history of deployment for precise dosing of gaseous, liquid media and powdered chemicals. We also offer professional and customised fittings, extraction devices and signal and control assemblies that are perfectly matched to ensure the comprehensive treatment of swimming pool water. All our products subject to DIN standards and EU directives fulfil all the specifications of these regulations entirely.
Our coupled and regulated measurement and control technology ensures consistently good water quality and excellent safety. Our measuring devices, fittings and controllers for controlling the water sampling station are user-friendly and combined into modular units.
Our products offer a wide range of options for dosing chlorine, a proven disinfectant. You can use our Jesco dosing pumps to dose chlorine bleach as precisely as chlorine gas with our negative pressure/vacuum systems. In addition, our patented Easychlormix dosing system enables safe and dust-free dosing of calcium hypochlorite. Our sodium hypochlorite systems and Minichlorgen and Easychlorgen electrolysis systems produce the disinfectant solution on site. Finally, our environmentally friendly flow-through chlorine electrolysis systems sold under the Technopool brand provide an effective disinfectant solution for salt water swimming pools and wading pools. This innovative SALT-WATER-LIGHT technology has established itself worldwide as a fully-fledged and alternative method of disinfection.
Suitable products for your application