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Lutz-Jesco Suisse SA

Lutz-Jesco Suisse SA is a manufacturer of electric motors and, as part of Lutz Holding GmbH, offers high-quality and reliable pumps, dosing systems and systems for water treatment. The global group of companies, which also includes Lutz Pumpen GmbH and Lutz-Jesco GmbHsuccessfully markets other products and services in the fields of dosing, measurement and control as well as system construction.

Lutz-Jesco offers you a wide range of products for the supply and treatment of drinking water, bathing water, process water, industrial water and service water. Thanks to continuous further development and our own production facilities, we guarantee the highest quality and compliance with international standards.

Product range: Dosing pumps | Chlorinators | Disinfection systems | System and process technology | Centrifugal pumps | Measurement and control technology | Dry feeder | Filter systems | Wobble plate pumps

Fields of application: Water treatment | Wastewater treatment / Sewage treatment plants | (Municipal) indoor and outdoor swimming pools | Chemicals industry | Pharmaceutical industry | Electroplating and surface treatment | Paint and varnish industry | Paper and cellulose industry | Agriculture |

Lutz-Jesco Suisse SA

Am Produktionsstandort Couvet in der Schweiz fertigt die Lutz-Jesco Suisse SA das Herzstück unserer Universalmotoren, Rotore und Statore, und montiert und prüft alle unsere Elektromotore für die Fass- und Containerpumpen. Somit sind auch Sonderlösungen möglich und wir sind unabhängig von anderen möglichen Lieferanten.

Gründung: 1984 | Sitz: Schweiz 

Produktsortiment & Einsatzgebiete: Universal-Elektromotoren bis 1,5 kW | Sonder-Elektromotoren | Motorkomponenten Rotore / Statoren. Überall dort, wo Universalmotoren mit konstruktiver Antriebskraft benötigt werden Engineering & Lohnfertigung: Entwicklung von Elektromotoren / Motorkomponenten nach individueller Spezifikation. Fertigung von Motorkomponenten / Sondermotoren mit kompletter Montage.