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Lutz Group | 2 brands |
1 powerful group #WeAreLutz

The Lutz Group, based in Wertheim, Germany, is a leading manufacturer and supplier in the field of pump technology. The group of companies, which has been family-owned since it was founded in 1954, now includes efficient, medium-sized companies with production and sales locations worldwide.

Lutz Pumpen GmbH

The Lutz brand stands for high-quality pumps for emptying and pumping liquids from drums and containers. Since it was founded by Karl Lutz in Wertheim in 1954, the brand has become synonymous with complete systems for transferring and filling liquids.

Product range: Drum and container pumps | IBC container pumps | Eccentric screw pumps | Flow meters | Diaphragm pumps | Centrifugal pumps

Fields of application: Chemical industry and chemical trade | Electroplating and surface treatment | Paint and lacquer industry | Food and luxury food industry | Paper and pulp industry | Automotive and vehicle industry | Metal processing and machine factories | Mining, iron and steel industry | Electrical industry | Plant engineering

Lutz-Jesco GmbH

Lutz-Jesco is a renowned manufacturer of components for monitoring and treating water quality in the drinking water, swimming pool water and industrial waste water treatment sectors.

Product range: Dosing pumps | chlorinators | gas dosing units | dry material dosing units | measurement and control technology | centrifugal pumps | disinfection systems | system and process technology | filter systems

Fields of application: Water treatment | Waste water treatment/ Sewage plants | Municipal indoor and open air pools | Private pools | Chemical industry | Electroplating / surface treatment | Paint and laquer industry| Ceramics industry| Paper and pulp industry | Construction of industrial piping

Lutz-Jesco Suisse SA

Am Produktionsstandort Couvet in der Schweiz fertigt die Lutz-Jesco Suisse SA das Herzstück unserer Universalmotoren, Rotore und Statore, und montiert und prüft alle unsere Elektromotore für die Fass- und Containerpumpen. Somit sind auch Sonderlösungen möglich und wir sind unabhängig von anderen möglichen Lieferanten.

Gründung: 1984 | Sitz: Schweiz 

Produktsortiment & Einsatzgebiete: Universal-Elektromotoren bis 1,5 kW | Sonder-Elektromotoren | Motorkomponenten Rotore / Statoren. Überall dort, wo Universalmotoren mit konstruktiver Antriebskraft benötigt werden Engineering & Lohnfertigung: Entwicklung von Elektromotoren / Motorkomponenten nach individueller Spezifikation. Fertigung von Motorkomponenten / Sondermotoren mit kompletter Montage.